Sydney Exhibition
Gillian Wright

Opens 21 April / 6 – 8pm
Runs 22 April – 2 May 2021

My latest pieces have been investigating the shiny elegance of society, until you look closely.
You then realise it is all a lot more complex than you thought at first.

Based in Sydney Gillian Wright is an assemblage artist concerned with the disposable culture so prevalent today and the prevailing associated environmental issues. Her works incorporate objects & collectables that are discarded before they make it to landfill.

Gillian studied at the Nepean College of Advanced Education for Visual Arts Degree.

Artist Statement

As an avid collector of retro and vintage household items, I have always had an appreciation for the materials and quality of their construction. They were made to last a lifetime or more. Many end up in landfill, replaced by more modern and unfortunately more disposable replacements.

My latest works focus on the perception of beauty and the illusion and deception so often used to SELL happiness, particularly on social media. 

I assemble a collection of parts that have been discarded, like venetian blinds, machinery, jewellery, light fitting’s or anything found out in urban life that catches my eye, and I attempt alter the viewers perception of beauty and value.

Gillian Wright